
Hay 678 resultados

Id Año Investigador Género Lengua primaria Lengua secundaria Título Datos B Nivel de lengua primario ▼ Nivel de lengua secundario Idioma Base
545 1986 Ken Hedges

H N Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes 20 N N Inglés Langdon
546 1986 Leanne Hinton

M N Musical diffusion and linguistic diffusion. Anthropology and music: Essays in honor of David P. McAllester,ed by Charlotte Frisbie. Detroit Monographs in Musicology 9. Detroit: Information Coordinators N N Inglés Langdon
547 1986 Leanne Hinton

M N Mojave Music The New Grove Dictionary of Music in the United States. New York: Grove's Dictionariesof Music, Inc. N N Inglés Langdon
548 1986 Leanne Hinton

M N Havasupai music The New Grove Dictionary of Music in the United States. New York: Grove's Dictionariesof Music, Inc. N N Inglés Langdon
549 1986 Leanne Hinton

M N Diegueño music The New Grove Dictionary of Music in the United States. New York: Grove's Dictionariesof Music, Inc. N N Inglés Langdon
550 1986 Margaret Langdon

M N Review of Bibliography of the languages of Native California including closely related languages of adjacent areas, by W. Bright International Journal of American Linguistics 52.85-87. N N Inglés Langdon
551 1986 Florence Shipek

M N Myth and reality: the antiquity of the Kumeyaay n N N Inglés Langdon
MS 34 0 Bright William

H Yuma A reverse index of Yuma stem morphemes compiled from Halpern 1946-47] n Morfología N Inglés Langdon
54 1978 James M. Crawford

H Cocopa Nominalization in Cocopa Proceedings of the 1977 Hokan-Yuman languages workshop, ed by James E. Redden 43-53 (Occasional Papers on Linguisitics, 2). Carbondale: Souther Illinois University Morfología N Inglés Langdon
73 1976 Donald, E. Crook

H Yumanas Yuman *t Proceedings of the first Yuman languages Workshop, ed by James E. Redden 35-44. (University Museum Studies 7). Carbondale: Souther Illinois University. Morfología N Inglés Langdon
96 1990 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño Nominalization in Jamul Diegueño Proceedings of the 1990 Hokan-Penutian Languages Workshop, ed. By James Redden 1-10 (Occasional Papers in Linguistics 15). Department of Linguistics, Souther Illinois University at Caborndale. Morfología N Inglés Langdon
MS 138 0 Larry Gorbet

H Cocopa Field notes on Cocopa. [Agnes Sandiego, consultant] n Morfología N Inglés Langdon
140 1980 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa -k and -m in maricopa Studies in switch-reference, ed. By Pamela Munro 119-144 (University of California Los Angeles Papers in Linguisitics 8). Los Angeles: University of California Morfología N Inglés Langdon
141 1986 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa Maricopa morphology and sintax University of California Publications in Linguistics 108 Morfología Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
143 1981 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa Evidentials in Maricopa Proceedings of the 1980 Hokan languages workshop, ed. By James E. Redden 59-69 (Occasional papers on Linguistics 9). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Morfología Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
146 1986 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa The development of evidentials in Maricopa. Evidentiality: The linguistic coding of epistemology Ed. By Wallace Chafe and Johana Nichols 75-88. Ablex Publishing Co: Norwood NJ. Morfología Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
375 1980 Heather K. Hardy

M Tolkapaya The story of /o/ in Tolkapaya: A problem of homophony. Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 7, pp. 53 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
385 1990 Pamela Munro

M Tolkapaya Aspiration in Tolkapaya Yavapai. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Southern Illinois University, Museum of Art, Carbondale, IL, US, 15, pp. 154 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
388 1992 Kimberly Diane Thomas

M Yavapai Vowel length and pitch in Yavapai Proceedings of the 1990 Hokan-Penutian languages workshop, ed. By James Redden 144-153. (Occasional Papers on Linguistics 15). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Morfología N Inglés Langdon
443 1966 James E. Redden

H Walapai Walapai Il: morphology International Journal of American Linguistics 32.141-163. Morfología N Inglés Langdon