
Hay 678 resultados

Id Año ▼ Investigador Género Lengua primaria Lengua secundaria Título Datos B Nivel de lengua primario Nivel de lengua secundario Idioma Base
297 1979 Martha B. Kendall

M Yavapai Wolf and coyote: An Upland Yuman texL Amerindia 4.127-147 Documentación N Inglés Langdon
372 1979 Heather K. Hardy

M Tolkapaya Havasupai, Walapai, Yavapai, Pai ipai The development of the Pai vowel system. Proceedings of the 1978 Hokan languages workshop, ed. By James E. Redden 21-41 (Occasional papers on Linguistics 5). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Fonología N Inglés Langdon
373 1979 Leanne Hinton

M Mojave Iritaba's gift: A closer look at the the ʂ> s > θ soundshift in Mojave and Northern Pai Journal of California and Great Basin Ahtropology -- Papers in Linguisitics 1.3-38 Fonología N Inglés Langdon
MS 374 1979 Alana Shaterian

H Yavapai Yavapai vocalic affixes Phonology and Dictionary of Yavapai, University of California, Berkeley, CA, US, pp. 678 Fonología Morfología Inglés Langdon
460 1979 Heather K. Hardy

M Tolkapaya An integrated account of the morpheme θ in Tolkapaya. Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 5, pp. 19 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
574 1979 Marguerite Hessini

M Yumanas Simple and reflexive imperative constructions in Yuman Dept. of Communication, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, US Pragmática Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
633 1979 Heather K. Hardy

M Tolkapaya Tolkapaya sintax: Aspect, modality and adverbial modification in a Yavapai dialect UCLA dissertation Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
634 1979 Margaret Langdon

M Yumanas Subject and (switch-) reference in Yuman Folia Linguistica 13.321-344. Sintaxis Pragmática discursiva Inglés Langdon
635 1979 Mauricio J. Mixco

H Cochimi The evolution of certain aspectuals in Cochimi Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society 484- 489. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
636 1979 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Reduplication in Mojave and Yuman Proceedings of the 1978 Hokan languages workshop, ed. by James E. Redden 42-55. (Occasional Papers on Linguisitcs 5). Department of Linguistics, Soutthem Illinois University at Carbondale. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
MS 637 1979 Susan Norwood

M Diegueño Tipai Auxiliary Verbs n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
638 1979 James E. Redden

H Walapai Notes on Walapai syntax II Proceedings of the 1977 Hokan-Yuman languages workshop, ed. by James E. Redden 1-3. (Occasional Paper on Linguistics 2). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
23 1978 Birgitte Bendixen

M Cocopa Aspects of rhytmical structure of Cocopa Proceedings of the 1978 Hokan languages workshop, ed. By James E. Redden 72-90 (Occasional Papers on Lingusitics 5). Carbondale: Souther Illinois University. [Also Appears in Occasional Papers in Linguistics 9.1-19, 1981. This seems to be an error) Fonología N Inglés Langdon
36 1978 Bright William

H Yumanas Coyote stories (IJAL-NATS Monograph 1 ). Chicago: University of Chicago Press Documentación N Inglés Langdon
54 1978 James M. Crawford

H Cocopa Nominalization in Cocopa Proceedings of the 1977 Hokan-Yuman languages workshop, ed by James E. Redden 43-53 (Occasional Papers on Linguisitics, 2). Carbondale: Souther Illinois University Morfología N Inglés Langdon
55 1978 James M. Crawford

H N Rev. Of A Grammar of diegueño nominals, by Larry Gorbet Language 54.482-485 N N Inglés Langdon
56 1978 James M. Crawford

H N Rev. Of Cochimí and Proto-Yuman: lexical and syntatci evidence for a new language famility in Lower California, by Mauricio Mixco. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 2.312-313 N N Inglés Langdon
57 1978 James M. Crawford

H N Rev. Of Cochimí and Proto-Yuman: lexical and syntatci evidence for a new language famility in Lower California, by Mauricio Mixco. American Anthropologist 83.216-217 N N Inglés Langdon
58 1978 James M. Crawford

H Cocopa Coyote and his daughter (Cocopa). Coyote stories, ed. By William Bright 137-148 (IJAL-NATS Monograph 1). Chicago: University of Chicago Press Documentación N Inglés Langdon
59 1978 James M. Crawford

H Cocopa More on Cocopa baby talk. International Journal of American Linguistics 44.17-23 Documentación N Inglés Langdon