
Hay 678 resultados

Id Año ▼ Investigador Género Lengua primaria Lengua secundaria Título Datos B Nivel de lengua primario Nivel de lengua secundario Idioma Base
289 1977 III Meigs

H Pa ipai Notes on the Paipai of San Isidoro, Baja California PCASQ 13(1):11-20. N Inglés propio
290 1977 Rufino Ochurte

H Kiliwa The god-child's vengeance: a Kiliwa story from Baja California Alcheringa 3:55-62. Documentación N Español bajacalifology
370 1977 Margaret Langdon

M Yumanas Stress, length, and pitch in Yuman languages. Studies in stress and accent, ed. by Larry Hyman 239-259 (Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics 4). Fonología N Inglés Langdon
371 1977 Mauricio J. Mixco

H Kiliwa The innovation of /h hw/ in Kiliwa International Journal of American Linguistics 43.167-176. Fonología N Inglés Langdon
410 1977 Martha B. Kendall

M Yumanas The Upland Yuman numeral system Proceedings of the 1976 Hokan-Yuman languages workshop, ed. By James E. Redden 17-28. (University Museum Studies 11). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University. Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
411 1977 Mauricio J. Mixco

H Cochimi J.P. Harrington's Cochimi vocabularies Journal of California Anthropology 4:42-50 Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
412 1977 Nancy M. Webb

M Yumanas Yuman language interrelationships: The lexical evidence. Proceedings of the 1976 Hokan-Yuman languages workshop, ed. by James E. Redden 60-68 (University Museum Studies 11). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University. Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
454 1977 Pamela Munro

M Mojave The Yuman n- prefix Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 11, pp. 52 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
455 1977 James E. Redden

H Walapai Notes on Walapai verb root structure Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 11, pp. 29 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
456 1977 Akira Yamamoto

H Walapai Some processes of compounding in Walapai Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 11, pp. 34 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
526 1977 William H. Kelly

H N Cocopa ethnography Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona 29. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. N N Inglés Langdon
MS 527 1977 Martha B. Kendall

M N Fission and fusion in Yuman n N N Inglés Langdon
MS 580 1977 Margaret Langdon

M Diegueño cocopa, kiliwa Restructuring of the switch-reference markers in Diegueño, Cocopa, and Kiliwa. n Pragmática discursiva Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
592 1977 Mauricio J. Mixco

H Kiliwa The determiner in Kiliwa Proceedings of the 1976 Hokan-Yuman languages workshop 37-421. ed. By James E. Redden. (University Museum Studies 11). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University. Morfología N Inglés Langdon
593 1977 Carol Slater

M Yuma The semantics of switch-reference in Kwtsaan Berkeley Linguistic Society 3.24-36. Semantica Pragmática discursiva Inglés Langdon
MS 625 1977 Jack Kriendler

H Tolkapaya The structure of relative clauses in Tolkapaya Yavapai. n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
626 1977 Margaret Langdon

M Yumanas The semantics and syntax of expressive 'say' constructions in Yuman. Berkeley Linguistic Society 3.1-11. Sintaxis Lexicosemántico Inglés Langdon
627 1977 Margaret Langdon

M Yumanas Syntactic change and SOV structure-the Yuman case Mechanisms of Syntactic Change, ed. by Charles Li 255-290. Austin: University of Texas Press. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
628 1977 Pamela Munro

M Mojave From existential to copula: The history of Yuman be. Mechanisms of syntactic change, ed. by Charles Li 455-490. Austin: University of Texas Press. Sintaxis Lexicosemántico Inglés Langdon
MS 629 1977 Jeni E. Yamada

M Tolkapaya A preliminary look at passives in Tolkapaya. n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon