
Hay 678 resultados

Id Año Investigador Género Lengua primaria ▼ Lengua secundaria Título Datos B Nivel de lengua primario Nivel de lengua secundario Idioma Base
454 1977 Pamela Munro

M Mojave The Yuman n- prefix Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 11, pp. 52 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
462 1981 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Mojave -k and -m: It ain't necessarily so Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 9, pp. 124 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
MS 600 1973 Pamela Munro

M Mojave The Mojave auxiliary: How the subject came up and on from there. n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
602 1974 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Topics in Mojave Syntax. n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
616 1976 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Subject copying, auxiliarization, and predicate raising: The Mojave evidence International Journal ofAmerican Linguistics 42.99-112. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
617 1976 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Mojave medals. Proceedings of the first Yuman languages workshop 55-62, ed. by James E. Redden. (University Museum Studies 7). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
618 1976 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Mojave Syntax. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
628 1977 Pamela Munro

M Mojave From existential to copula: The history of Yuman be. Mechanisms of syntactic change, ed. by Charles Li 455-490. Austin: University of Texas Press. Sintaxis Lexicosemántico Inglés Langdon
636 1979 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Reduplication in Mojave and Yuman Proceedings of the 1978 Hokan languages workshop, ed. by James E. Redden 42-55. (Occasional Papers on Linguisitcs 5). Department of Linguistics, Soutthem Illinois University at Carbondale. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
640 1980 Pamela Munro

M Mojave Types of agreement in Mojave. Proceedings of the 1979 Hokan languages workshop, ed. by James E. Redden 1-14. (Occasional Papers on Linguistics 7). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
641 1980 Pamela Munro

M Mojave On the syntactic status of switch-reference clauses: The special case of Mojave comitatives Studies of Switch Reference, ed. by Pamela Munro 145-159. UC Los Angeles. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
MS 8 0 Barry Alpher

H Maricopa Maricopa fieldnotes n Documentación N Inglés Langdon
108 1968 Jack A. Frisch

H Maricopa Maricopa foods: A native taxonomic system. International Journal of American Linguisitics 34.16-20 Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
MS 126 1981 David Gil

H Maricopa Maricopa xper: semantic evidence for syntatic change n Inglés Langdon
140 1980 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa -k and -m in maricopa Studies in switch-reference, ed. By Pamela Munro 119-144 (University of California Los Angeles Papers in Linguisitics 8). Los Angeles: University of California Morfología N Inglés Langdon
141 1986 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa Maricopa morphology and sintax University of California Publications in Linguistics 108 Morfología Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
142 1980 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa Relative clauses in Maricopa Proceedings of the 1979 Hokan languages workshop, ed. By James E. Redden 15-24 (Occasional papers on Linguistics 7). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
143 1981 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa Evidentials in Maricopa Proceedings of the 1980 Hokan languages workshop, ed. By James E. Redden 59-69 (Occasional papers on Linguistics 9). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Morfología Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
144 1982 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa Inferential constructions in Maricopa Proceedings of the 1981 Hokan languages workshop and penutian languages workshop, ed. By James E. Redden 15-23 (Occasional papers on Linguistics 10). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Semantica N Inglés Langdon
145 1983 Lynn Gordon

M Maricopa Some Maricopa Auxiliaries Proceedinfs of the 1982 conference on Far Western American Indian languages, ed. By James E. Redden 1-12 (Occasional Papers on Linguistics 11). Department of Linguistics, Souther Illinois University Carbondale. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon