
Hay 678 resultados

Id Año Investigador Género ▲ Lengua primaria Lengua secundaria Título Datos B Nivel de lengua primario Nivel de lengua secundario Idioma Base
MS 64 1976 James M. Crawford

H Cocopa Meaning in Cocopa auxiliary verbs n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
65 1998 James M. Crawford

H Cocopa Classificatory verbs in Cocopa. [to appear] n Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
73 1976 Donald, E. Crook

H Yumanas Yuman *t Proceedings of the first Yuman languages Workshop, ed by James E. Redden 35-44. (University Museum Studies 7). Carbondale: Souther Illinois University. Morfología N Inglés Langdon
76 1908 Edward, S. Curtis

H Mojave Yuma The North American Indian Vol.2.123-128. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press [Mojave and Yuma vocabularies]. Documentación N Inglés Langdon
77 1926 Edward, S. Curtis

H Diegueño The Diegueños; Tribal Summary; Diegueño vocabulary. The North American Indian. Vol. 15-39-53, 166-67, 179-182. Norwood, MA: Plimpton Press. [Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970.] Documentación N Inglés Langdon
78 1919 Edward, H Davis

H N The Diegueño ceremony of the death images Contributions of the Museum of the American Indian 5.2.7-33. New York: Heye Foundation N N Inglés Langdon
79 1921 Edward, H Davis

H N Eartly Cremation Ceremonies of the Luiseño and Diegueño Indians Indian Notes and Monographs 7.93-110. New York: Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation N N Inglés Langdon
80 1967 Edward, H Davis

H N Diegueño basketry and pottery Ed. By Paul G. Chase. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quaterly 3.58-64 N N Inglés Langdon
81 1968 Edward, H Davis

H N Yuman Koorook ceremony Ed. By Helen C. Smith. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quaterly 4.35-45 N N Inglés Langdon
82 1958 John Dedrick

H Yumanas Panorama de la lingüística de Baja California Memoria del Primer Congreso de Histori Regional, Tomo I. 181-194. Mexicali, B.C. Documentación N Español Langdon
83 1973 Miguel Del Barco

H N Historia natural y crónicas de la antigua California. México N N Español Langdon
84 1988 Scott DeLancey

H Yumanas Papers from the 1988 Hokan-Penutian Languages Workshop University of Oregon Papers in Linguistics. Publications of the Center of Amerindian Linguisitics and Ethnography 1. Descripción N Inglés Langdon
86 1949 George Devereux

H Mojave Mohave voice and speech mannerisms Word 5.268-272 Fonología N Inglés Langdon
87 1969 George Devereux

H Mojave Mohave ethnopsychiatry Smithsonian Institution Press (distributed by Random House, first published 1961) [Contains words and proper names in Mohave] Documentación N Inglés Langdon
93 1993 Eric Elliott

H Yumanas How' and 'thus' in UA Cupan and Yuman: A case of areal influence. How' and 'thus' in UA Cupan and Yuman: A case of areal influence., University of California, San Diego, CA Sintaxis Pragmática Inglés Langdon
MS 94 0 Lee Emerson

H N History of the Quechan tribe n N N Inglés Langdon
95 1978 Lee Emerson

H Yuma Coyote and quail. Coyote stories, ed. By William Bright 124-136 (IJAL-NATS Monograph 1). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Yuma-Quechan] Documentación N Inglés Langdon
96 1990 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño Nominalization in Jamul Diegueño Proceedings of the 1990 Hokan-Penutian Languages Workshop, ed. By James Redden 1-10 (Occasional Papers in Linguistics 15). Department of Linguistics, Souther Illinois University at Caborndale. Morfología N Inglés Langdon
97 1991 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño Some uses of the demonstrative clitic pu in jamul diegueño Papers from the American Indian languages conferences, UCSC, ed. By James E. Reddern 67-79 (Occasional Papers on Linguistics 16) Departament of Linguistics, Souther Illinois University at Carbondale. Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
98 1993 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño The definite article: early stages of development Historical Linguistics 1991, ed. By Jaap van Marle 111-134 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 107). John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam/Philapdelphia [The use of pu in Jamul Diegueño] Semantica N Inglés Langdon