
Hay 678 resultados

Id Año Investigador Género Lengua primaria Lengua secundaria Título Datos B Nivel de lengua primario Nivel de lengua secundario Idioma ▲ Base
MS 94 0 Lee Emerson

H N History of the Quechan tribe n N N Inglés Langdon
95 1978 Lee Emerson

H Yuma Coyote and quail. Coyote stories, ed. By William Bright 124-136 (IJAL-NATS Monograph 1). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Yuma-Quechan] Documentación N Inglés Langdon
96 1990 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño Nominalization in Jamul Diegueño Proceedings of the 1990 Hokan-Penutian Languages Workshop, ed. By James Redden 1-10 (Occasional Papers in Linguistics 15). Department of Linguistics, Souther Illinois University at Caborndale. Morfología N Inglés Langdon
97 1991 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño Some uses of the demonstrative clitic pu in jamul diegueño Papers from the American Indian languages conferences, UCSC, ed. By James E. Reddern 67-79 (Occasional Papers on Linguistics 16) Departament of Linguistics, Souther Illinois University at Carbondale. Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
98 1993 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño The definite article: early stages of development Historical Linguistics 1991, ed. By Jaap van Marle 111-134 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 107). John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam/Philapdelphia [The use of pu in Jamul Diegueño] Semantica N Inglés Langdon
99 1994 Richard Epstein

H Diegueño Discourse and definiteness: syncronic and diachronic perspectives UCSD dissertation [Chapter V has a section on Jamul Diegueño] Semantica Pragmática Inglés Langdon
MS 100 1966 M Esztergar

S Diegueño A tentative analysis of a Diegueño (Campo) text A Tentative Analysis of a Diegueño Sintaxis Lexicosemántico Inglés Langdon
102 1979 Gilles Fauconnier

H Diegueño Theoretical implications of some global phenomena in syntax New York: Garland [pp.76ff discuss Diegueño data] Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
MS 103 0 Jo-Ann Flora

M Cocopa Analysis of examples in Crawford's "Meaning in Cocopa axuiliary verbs" n N Inglés Langdon
104 1965 Jack D. Forbes

H N Warriors of the Colorado n N N Inglés Langdon
105 1931 C. D. Forde

S N Ethnography of the Yuma Indians n N N Inglés Langdon
MS 106 1977 Barn Forson

H Yavapai Yavapai demonstratives n Lexicosemántico Semantica Inglés Langdon
108 1968 Jack A. Frisch

H Maricopa Maricopa foods: A native taxonomic system. International Journal of American Linguisitics 34.16-20 Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
109 1967 Jack A. Frisch

H Yumanas Componential analysis and semantic reconstruction: The Proto-Central Yuman kinship system Ethnology 6.272-293 Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
MS 110 0 Anne Galloway

M Diegueño SAKAAY: Kumeyaay pottery (Diegueño) n Documentación N Inglés Langdon
111 1876 Albert S. Gatzchet

H Yumanas Analystical report upon Indian dialects spoken in Southern California, Nevada, and on the Lower Colorado River, Appendix JJ Annual report of the Chief of Engineers for 1876. Washington, D. C. Documentación N Inglés Langdon
113 1879 Albert S. Gatzchet

H Yumanas Classification into seven linguistic stocks of western Indian dialects contained in forty vocabularies. Report upone United States geogrpahical surveys west of the 100th meridian, in charge of First Lieutenant George M. Wheeler 7.403-485. Washington: Government Printing Office N Inglés Langdon
117 1900 Albert S. Gatzchet

H Yumanas The Waikuru, Serie and Yuma languages. Science 12.556-558 Documentación N Inglés Langdon
118 1981 Orin Gensler

H Walapai θa and ha in walapai: foregorunding and sound symbolism Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology-Papers in Linguistics 3.17-64 Fonología N Inglés Langdon
119 1922 Edward W. Gifford

H Yumanas California kinship terminologies University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 18.1-285 Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon