
Hay 678 resultados

Id Año Investigador Género Lengua primaria Lengua secundaria Título Datos B Nivel de lengua primario Nivel de lengua secundario Idioma Base
307 1984 Alan Shaterian

H Yavapai Northeastern Yavapai texts. Spirit mountain. An anthology of Yuman story and song, ed. by Leanne Hinton and Lucille Watahomigie 173-181. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Documentación N Inglés Langdon
621 1976 James E. Redden

H Walapai Walapai syntax: a preliminary statement Hokan Studies: Papers from the first conference on Hokan languages, ed. by Margaret Langdon and Shirley Silver 103-112 (Janua Linguarum-Series Practica 181 ). TheHague: Mouton. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
MS 606 1975 Terry Lamb

H Yuma Kwitsaan auxiliaries 'oonoo' and 'uuvaa'. n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
302 1980 Malinda Powskey

M Hualapai Language use: Explorations in language and meaning. Proceedings of the 1979 Hokan languages workshop, ed. by James E. Redden 60-67. (Occasional Papers on Linguistics 7). Department of Linguistics: Southern Illinois University Carbondale. [Hualapai data). Documentación N Inglés Langdon
185 1979 Margaret Langdon

M Yumanas Some thoughts on Hokan with particular reference to Pomoan and Yuman The Languages of Native America , University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, US, pp. 592 Descripción N Inglés Langdon
612 1976 Martha B. Kendall

M Yavapai Selected problems in Yavapai syntax: The Verde Valley dialecL New York: Garland Publishing, Inc. Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
550 1986 Margaret Langdon

M N Review of Bibliography of the languages of Native California including closely related languages of adjacent areas, by W. Bright International Journal of American Linguistics 52.85-87. N N Inglés Langdon
204 1988 James E. Redden

H Yumanas Papers from the 1987 Hokan-Penutian languages workshop and Friends of Uta-Aztecan workshop. (Occasional Papers on Linguistics 14). Department of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Descripción N Inglés Langdon
131 1973 Larry Gorbet

H Diegueño How to tell a head when you see one: disambiguation in diegueño relative clasues. Linguistic Notes from La Jolla 5.63-82 N Inglés Langdon
MS 28 1975 Mark Bowers

H Yuma Indirect and directo discourse in Kwitsaan [Yuma] n Pragmática discursiva N Inglés Langdon
MS 348 0 Werner Winter

H Walapai Materials for a dictionary of the Walapai language. n Documentación N Inglés Langdon
MS 671 0 Mauricio J. Mixco

H Kiliwa Something old, something new, or how Kiliwa got its but n Sintaxis Semantica Inglés Langdon
MS 405 1974 Terrence Kaufman

H Pa ipai English-Paipai vocabulary n Lexicosemántico N Inglés Langdon
667 1991 Mauricio J. Mixco

H Kiliwa A special response to the 'pet' phenomenon: Gender agreement in Kiliwa periphrastic possessives A Festschrift for William F. Shipley, ed. by Sandra Chung and Jorge Hankamer 183-195. Syntax Research Center. UC Santa Cruz. Sintaxis Inglés Langdon
MS 520 1975 Werner Winter

H N Some assumptions concerning verbal -k and -m suffixes [Paper prepared for the first Yuman workshop.] N N Inglés Langdon
456 1977 Akira Yamamoto

H Walapai Some processes of compounding in Walapai Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 11, pp. 34 Morfología N Inglés Langdon
MS 673 0 James E. Redden

H Walapai Walapai agent nouns n Sintaxis N Inglés Langdon
589 1970 Nancy Stenson

M Diegueño Negation in Diegueño Linguistic Notes from La Jolla 4.17-28. Semantica N Inglés Langdon
556 1992 Leanne Hinton

M Yuman linguistics: the work of Margaret Langdon Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, IL, US, 17, pp. 1 Fonología N Inglés Langdon
MS 42 1970 R Clark

S Pa ipai Synoptic normalized Paipai data n Documentación N Inglés Langdon